Trial and Error

By DawnC

Extreme Gardening

This puts my little gardening effort of yesterday into the shade. This guy trims next door's trees and hedges several times a year (and also kindly does our side of the hedge at the same time). This is the first time I've seen him in action and I was very impressed - and a little concerned - at the way he climbed from branch to branch all around the top of this tree, trimming as he went. At one point he disappeared and I thought he'd fallen down, but then he reappeared and carried on.

Well, at 4 o'clock this morning I waved the men of the house off as they left for Germany on their Easter football exchange. While they're off having fun I'll be catching up on lots of stuff at home, studying, and trying not to be tempted by the spare Easter eggs they left behind (it was 'buy one, get two free' in Sainsbury's!).

Off to walk the dogs now and then my friend Trudi is coming for lunch al fresco. It's a hard life.

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