Don't Push Me

About to topple over into the Persian abyss below.

Study day. Productivity has occurred. Music has been heard. Words have been written. All Pharmacology-related, of course.

These are the most comfortable shoes I own and have (quite possibly) ever worn. I try as hard as I can to remember to take them off when I leave my apartment. It is my goal not to wear them outside. I have messed that up only twice. I realized twice while I was sitting in class that my feet were abnormally comfortable. D'oh.

Oh, speaking of The Simpsons: Happy Birthday, Conan O'Brien!

Having just gotten off the phone with Brian of the Leah-&-Brian duo -- he's just got his first digital SLR from the lovely Leah for his birthday this weekend! Excited to see what his creativity will wring from the Nikon world. Stay tuned, blippers. I'm back to Pharmacology studies.. cocaine, rats, reward pathways, and the like.


Also, I spilled bacon grease on these a few weeks ago. Hence the faint splatter pattern on the left one.. Another casualty to my love of bacon.

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