make every day beautiful!

By schjatie

My Guardian Angel

I dedicate this Blip to my deceased uncle.
Today is his Birthday!
Two days before his Birthday he died.
10 years ago.

He was no sports men.He was Banker.
My cousin should go to a new school and because she didn't now the way he cycled with her to show her.She was 11.They were born on the same day.
So it's also her birthday today.Then it happens.A vein snapped.He fell of his bike.
There was nobody who could do anything for him anymore.
After 8 hours of artificial respiration they pull out the plug.

He left a wife with 3 children.He was 53.My husband and i had a great relationship
with them.Especially with the kids.We did a lot of things together.

It took months to accept.The loss is still there.Even after 10 years i get a lump in my throat when i think about.
I would like to had him with my wedding and show him my kids.
I am sure he is my Guardian Angel!

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