Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd


OK - I've done it. I've blipped my cat.......

But this is not just any old emergency blip, this is Max feeling very sorry for himself, so I thought some blip love might cheer him up. He had a little operation today to remove a polyp from above his eye and is hating having to wear this collar. He alternates between sulking and running round, as if possessed, to try and shake it off.

I have had Max, and his brother Fred, for ten years. They were born in Ukraine and I adopted them while I was living there. They then moved back to UK for a while, where they had to do quarantine, and then came with me to China when I went to live there for a while. After coming back from China they had to quarantine again. I tell you, with flights, quarantine etc. they have cost me an absolute fortune.......but you know what it's like..........

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