Journey's end

Aching bodies this morning at the breakfast table.

We said our thank yous and headed off North.

We were all walking together as were heading to Glen Shiel over a twin topped Corbett.

A very steep path took us onto the open hillside and we headed up a stalkers path. The weather was great, the views wonderful. We stopped and watched 2 dragonfly nymphs in a pool of water.

Behind us was the long finger of Loch Hourn reaching inland. The path of last night etched on it shores.

First top reached and then we headed round the ridge, the other 2 bombed ahead and I struggled to keep with them. A great big dry stane dyke snaked along the ridge and this was our route.

On the final steps to the last top the mist came over, at the cairn Rancid produced a bottle of champange to celebrate my completing all the Corbetts.

A thank you and slug out the bottle and we headed down.

The fun now starts, we had provisional booked a taxi to take us from the bottom of the hill to Kyle of Lochalsh. Firstky we needed mobile reception and secondly we needed to get to the bottom.

We headed down as fast as we could, manage to phone and organised to be picked up, we had to be down at 1.40. We struggled rancid and my left knee were acting up so progress slow.

We got to the road at 2.00, we can meet the train at Plockton so off we headed. reaching Plockton, jumped out the car and read the timetable train at 15.20 and not 14.20.

What an arse I felt getting it wrong. It ment a pleasant drive down the coast to Kyle, into the COOP for some food and water and then to the train station.

The train was full of SAGA tourists on a daytrip from Garve. We met 2 New Zealand backpackers that we had met on the Mallaig train. They told us about their Skye adventures.

A great train journey to Inverness and then onto Edinburgh.

Great trip, huge thanks to Rancid and partner for the company and shared madness.

I have backblipped the last couple of days, starts here..

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