Cindi's 2011 Journal

By cindiscoles

Easter prep

Easter is just around the corner so today we decided to sleep in a little and then get started out in the yard.

Planted some new flowers and and rose bushes.

This is the first opportunity I've had to take a photo of Greg out on the new lawnmower, he loves the chance to "hop" on it and cut the grass. Today was the front and later in the week he says he'll do the back, it's easy to get him to do the lawn now. I don't blame him though, we've had the same riding lawnmower since 1998, it was time for an upgraded one. Even though we still have the old one, he's going to drop the blades from it and put a trailer on the back of it so we can haul limbs and brush over to our burn pile, really make us lazy :)....oh and he can drive it down to the mailbox is good.

Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday and a great Monday!

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