Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Do'ya see that Luce.. she promised food 4/10

why the sly old dog... LOVE IN A MIST... love.in.afrigging.mist....

Tonight,I say we take the bitch horrid woman.

It has been blip less until a few moments ago,as Mr W,Eve,Lucy and myself moved Zoe and Jake into their new flat...... well I say we moved... the heavy stuff was done by Mr W and Si Fry and Mr W has injured The Fry .. he had to have frozen peas on his arm... bagged,not loose.

We are all cream crackered but I have a twix and a cup of tea awaiting.. and a look through my blip friends pictures to look forward to :D

Tomorrow will be better,myself,the little ones and Paula Fry and Nurse of Death (she is a real nurse and does NOT kill people,its just her nickname) and their children are all off to Ragley Hall.................................

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