my favorite f-stop

By fstop

Yesterday, we finally began the process of finding Steve an apartment. I drove and Jenny navigated by way of the GPS in her iPhone. We are very cool.

One of the places we visited was a big, blue house with two palm trees in the front that has been sectioned off into 7 units. It comes fully furnished with a small love seat, chest-of-drawers, coffee table, and twin bed. Steve doesn't need any of this, but we filled out the application anyway.

It has a large kitchen which is where you will go if you need to take a shower since that is where some smart person decided to put the shower stall. The apartment also contains a table and chairs. And that is where he will put his typewriter so he can get started right away on The Great American Novel.

(The idea of an old-fashioned typewriter is romantic until you realize you must do all your editing with Liquid Paper.)

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