Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

A Bit of Fungus

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows."

- George Orwell (from 1984)

Ok, the quote has no relation to the photo, but I'm reading 1984 at the moment (set me back the princely sum of 99 cents on the iBookstore, though I expect it's probably free on Project Gutenberg), and that entry in Winston's diary rather grabbed me.

These little mushroomy things are growing on the trunk of a weeping tree thing - the one that smothered a fern almost to death before I cut it way back. Now I'm making sure I keep on top of it (not that it's even ours; it's coming through and over from next door).

Right now I'm hearing wonderful kids's laughter (being both the wonderful laughter of kids, and the laughter of wonderful kids) as they're working (playing) with mrs tsuken on the reading/spelling game I blipped a while back. 8)

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