Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

My men

It's my birthday today and this evening my dad took us all out for a lovely meal in Much Wenlock (the place where the modern day Olympic Games originated from). After the meal we went for a quick walk around and I managed to get a pic of them all - much to my teenager's horror! Hubby doesn't look too happy either which is a surprise as his team Man City had just beaten Man Utd - I think he was eager to get home to watch the match.

Apart from the meal I had lots of lovely cards, some money, jewelry, Adele CD and a packet of Polos from my eldest!! (He hates having his pic taken these days but he does have a wicked sense of humour!) I put the final coat on the walls this afternoon before taking them all to the Shrewsbury match and having some 'me' time shopping ;-) All in all a great day with lots of sunshine thrown in too for good measure.

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