Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


A long day at work today - manged to get in early (the traffic is a million times better than usual because the schools are off for Easter holidays at the moment!), and then I worked late as H's Daddy went to collect her from her Granny's. The report was that she had a great time, and was good as gold, but poor Granny is shattered from walking so much. Apparently they walked for miles and whilst H was in no way tired out, Granny was. And any time Granny wanted to go into a shop or somewhere like that, H went all jelly legged, and lay on the ground in protest as if she was being brought inside, never to be allowed out again!

She was a bit tired and clingy when she got home as she always is when she has been sleeping in the car and wakes on arriving home, but she managed to muster enough energy for some fun in the bath before going to bed. I really need to watch her doing Row Row Row Your Boat in the bath though, as she was rocking so far back that she was nearly tipping right over!

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