The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


So Saturday arrived and I dragged Ally out for a cycle.

I managed to cycle up the "Big hill" OK, but back started to complain.

A very ginger cycle back home along the loch and I'm clock watching so I can take more pain killers. Heat pads and Ally have saved the day.

I think the cycle after the full on week, was a step too far. The shopping in ASDA was swift. How old am I?

Number 2 son Curlyfries is out with his mate and staying at his house overnight.........acherm! Nuff said.

Number 1 son, Mr.R has an interview with a company for the possibilty of a training course for engineering and university, which would go a long way to replace what he lost from the first company dropping him. Problem is, that he needs to come home from Germany to go to see them and he is in for a job across there to last over the summer. Life is full of difficult choices and of course he could go back after the interview.

It's only money after all :-(

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