roll half-empty
Of all the reasons I avoid the canteen at work, portion consistency is perhaps lowest on the list. Mankiness of vegetable, cost, inability to resist buttering bread, congealèdness and chronological inflexibility are the reasons why I would much prefer to carry a little extra weight in my bag on the journey in each morning but hopefully today's injustice might perhaps convince one of my canteen-visiting colleagues to think again before they next again trundle downstairs. Every third or fourth Friday there is some form of canteen-related portion-size-jealousy sort of banter when they return to their desks, eat their rolls and greasily resume their work but today there was much consternation and amusement at what was apparently a pathetic little dribble of haggis in poor Mr. John X. Livingstone's roll. Apparently he paid eighty-five pence for it. Hopefully he will not be cheated again; eighty-five pence would buy two tasty muffins which are at least reliably sized if occasionally deviant of ingredient.
Occasionally as a child when sitting tapping my feet against a chair or the floor or tapping my hands against my knees or my head I would feel a terrible urge to make sure that the right foot or hand tapped more than the left. It would somehow feel wrong otherwise. I briefly got the similar wrong feeling this evening when walking clockwise round the hill. This isn't unusual in itself as I normally go round anticlockwise when running round and have to by law when cycling round but that's when I'm on the park road itself. I would usually go on a wider anticlockwise round-the-hill route when bicycling round all the cycle paths. Whilst I didn't take the same route in the opposite direction and only walked along a total of two miles of common path (half of that in the right direction) it was just slightly strange to arrive back home from what was quite clearly the wrong direction.
No harm done though. I collected or bought all which needed to be collected and bought and walked enough to earn myself a nice tasty pizza for tea.
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