Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

fat dog on icy patio

"The Fat One" a.k.a. "The Big Yellow Stupid" was resting on the patio in the morning sun. The clouds blew through after the light snowstorm yesterday, making good viewing of the eclipse at 10 PM last night. This morning the sun was glistening off the refrozen ice and snow.

"The Fat One" tried to murder Katie last week. Katie (the German Shepherd) is getting old and arthritic but she is unwilling to lose her place of dominance. "The Fat One" and "The Black One" ganged up on Katie and had her down by the neck. The Kinder were able to break it up but now Katie is living in front of the kitchen stove and won't go outside without an escort. Bad Karma at The Puddle.

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