Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Spent an hour wandering round a small (and my favourite)part of the Botanical Gardens today.
Lots of changes, vegetable plots have been started, new paths have been made and a new pond.
I saw lots of colourful plants and flowers, birds, butterflies, bees and wasps and lots of people with cameras.

This one was hovering then buzzing to a different area. Was determined to get him in focus. Quite chuffed with the result.

It kept my mind off of feeling sick for a while - my tablets don't seem to want to work today.

After watching and been gripped by The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night I went on a mission in and out of the Charity shops to get the second film. To no avail.
Will rent it from Lovefilm, but it just means I can't watch it tonight:(.

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