My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

My 100th Blip Birthday Yayyyy I Made It.

Hi everyone,
Wow i cant believe i have made it to my 100th blip, i never thought i would make it but i have. And thanks to this great group called Blipfoto you make my day everyday, you have also made my mind work overtime with different photos every day. Ive come along way in those 100 days...... Here are some of my faves....

My 1st Blip....Water was my friend



My First Feather drop Blip

The swans were a hit.

The Fizzy Daff

And many water drops on feathers....

There are just a few, but i hope you have enjoyed my journey so far on blip and here are to the next 100. Ive also made some lovely friends who always pass by everyday to see my blip, Dino(Roy), Turbofreetimer(Martin),laffinnaomi(Kelly),narabug,claire's blips,chaos bros(vik),struner,Bethanne Elion,wayfarer,Visible and many many more so sorry if i havent named you but everyone of you make my day and make my photography mean so much more, i try and pass by everyday but with 2 little munchkins wanting me 24-7...lets say i do try.

My blip today is a mix of things i love to photograph, Thomas and Olivia for sure then its the big outdoors, flowers and the famous feathers and drops. Lets see what i can come up with the next 100.

Thankyou again this is the place to be for sure, love you all.

Vicky thomas and olivia. xxxxxxxxx

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