The second half of life..

By twigs


I met this wee chap for the first time today - 3 months old, nervous of me as a stranger but very playful with his mum. He didn't like the camera noises either which may account for his rather startled look through the trellis!!

In other news - friend G is staying for a few days so, after a very relaxed start to the day, we headed off to the the rain :( Sadly the rain didn't let up at all (in fact, it seemed to get 'wetter' as the morning developed.) Pleased to say though that it didn't get in the way of a good spot of retail therapy for G ;)

Having got rather wet at the market we headed back home to warm up and dry out. What better way to warm up than a nice bowl of freshly made creamy pumpkin soup.

I'm definitely in holiday mode already - and come rain or shine, I'm lovin' it!

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