michigan man

By outdoorguy

Water over the Bridge

Sticks and stones may break my bones......

Our local dam/spillway/waterfall has 2 good-sized branches and 2 tiny branches caught in it's cracks. The water rushing over the edge, and meeting up with the twigs make for some spectactular waterworks. It's not Niagra, but it's still pretty.

As I stood there watching I thought of 3 things. First...it was freezing. 44 degrees, but a nasty wind. I should have worn pants. Second...2 things man never gets tired of watching- fire and water. Third...We( or at least I ) like our lives to flow along at a nice even, steady, pace.

But, sticks and stones get in our way. The bigger wave in the upper left corner is caused by the bigger branch. But, even that tiny little twig throws our lives in a tizzy, just like it's doing to the water.

Moral of the story ? Try to keep your journey free of the sticks and stones. Amen

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