Daily Cup of Coffee

By sct729

In This Together

Today has been a very difficult day. Not much sleep last night because I was cramming for my Bacteriology final exam. I could only miss 2 points to get my A. We turned in the scantrons and were comparing the test packet with our answers when I realized that I made a BIG mistake. I was rushing through the exam and when I went back through, I switched one of my answers to what I wanted it to be but I FORGOT to switch it on the scantron. I had changed it from the wrong answer to the right answer.

Guess how many I should have missed? Two.

Guess how many I missed on the scantron? Three.

I missed my A by 1 point. Because I am stupid. Because I ran out of time. Because I was tired and didn't sleep. Because today was destined to be a horrible day.

Sigh who knows. All I know is that unless he curves that test by 1 point... I have just received my first B+ in vet school. I had a 4.0. I'm so mad at myself that I could just scream. And honestly I'm not really sure why I'm being so hard on myself. I really expect entirely too much from myself. Maybe I should sleep more.

Oh well, life goes on. This is a shot of some of my classmates outside the Small Animal Clinic before physical diagnosis lab this afternoon. I really like the people in my class. They are all so hard-working and motivated. Makes me want to be a great vet. They are also so supportive of one another. We're all in this together and on days like this, it really is nice to keep that in mind.

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