Photos in A Major

By A


Still feeling poorly. I thinks its Flu, real flu... not even 'Man Flu'. Still have a dodgy thermostat, my joints are killing me and I have a headache like a hangover from hell!

Not feeling sorry for myself, just bloomin frustrated, I want to get back to work, I want to empty the boxes that still remain in the house and most of all I want to be able to walk at normal speed without wincing!

The only advice NHS direct could provide was to watch Trishia and feel sorry for myself... have you seen daytime telly? Please can I go back to work. The only upside is I have seen Working Lunch two days running, I don't know why they call it that as most people who can see it are obivously not at work!

PS Did you know that in Portugal homeowners with solar generation get 45p per unit of electricity they sell back to the grid. Why don't we have policiticians who incentivice renewables like this?

PPS Spain has more miles (sorry km) of high speed track than any other nation, they are currently upgrading to travel at 350 kmh, and the fares are some of the lowest...comeon Gordon sort it out!

PPPS See what bed rest has done to me!!

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