nogbad's blips

By nogbad


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
Oscar Wilde

Just looking straight up.

One of the most important days in the regional calendar tomorrow - it's our degree ceremony. Each year there are a number of ceremonies up and down the country and also in Versailles and, often, further afield. Ours is at The Dome in Brighton and the presiding officers tomorrow are the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor; there are so many ceremonies different members of the executive preside but we've got the "A Team" because they are awarding the previous VC with an award (Fellow of the University). There is also a ceremony in Dublin tomorrow. The occasion really buzzes when the graduates are presented to the VC and there are cheers and whoops from the audience (and graduates!).

So tonight I went out in the garden for a breath of fresh air and looked up and saw these lovely complex cloud shapes and that's the blip.

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