Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Ghosts at the British Museum

I went to see the wonderful Afghanistan exhibition this morning. The artefacts are truly amazing with some of the finest craftsmanship I have ever seen. The place was heaving - and I do wish some parents will not assume that 7 and unders (or even overs) will be entranced by old and broken things. There was a lot of whingeing and crying going on - you could not blame the children who had even more difficulty seeing then we adults (and it was very very crowded). I heard one priceless comment when a mother told her child "you keep away from me with your moaning - I'm enjoying myself - go away" - poor child - no attempt to explain or enthuse.

Had the usual rip-off sandwich and drink - the prices get worse every time - wished I'd bought lunch in M & S on the way. (Grumpy old woman.)

Then I pottered about the hallway with my camera. I wonder how many of the thousands of people who visit ever see the urn on the turn of the staircase. (The lions lower down are much more showy, but I like the urn so I decided to represent the people who pass by in this "ethereal" way - and it kept me amused for a good 15 minutes!

Off to the Orange Tree Theatre tonight.

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