Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

White bells

If the blue ones are called blue bells does that make the white ones white bells?? These are one of only 2 plants that remain in my garden from when we first moved in nearly 17 years ago. They are really pretty and a couple of years ago amongst all the white ones grew a blue one. I don't know where it came from but it looks a bit lonely :-)

More decorating today - undercoating. My dad looked after the boys for me so it was a smudge-free/paint on clothes-free zone. I'm so close to finishing now I can't wait! It's looking really good and I'll try and blip it when I've finished but this is easier said than done as my kitchen is tiny and to get a decent picture I may have to stand outside and take it through the kitchen window!

Two of the boys are off to friends tomorrow and the eldest has his paper round to do and then is off up town so I should have enough peace and quiet to do the second coat on the walls and maybe even put the blind up. The glossing will have to wait until the kids are out of the house again as they will definitely get it all over themselves otherwise.

This blip could have been a good close-up of a blue tit if only I'd taken my camera with me to the shop earlier!! Just typical isn't it? He was right above my head and was not scared of me at all when I stood and watched him for a couple of minutes.

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