Mice Naps

By kimsim

100 Not Out

100 in a row... getting round to back-blipping the past week so everything's a bit of a jumble just now. Wanted to make sure my 100th upload was on my 100th day. This is not quite what I'd planned, wasn't really paying attention to the days and dates, but it doesn't matter.

This is my cousin's little boy. My cousin has only just made the shot on the left and Big Sis is ready for a Blipportunity on the right.

After a hundred days I do find myself constantly seeing everything as a potential blip. I love the community spirit and could quite happily spend all day looking through journals, but alas I have to go to work. There are some amazing images out there and some really great chat too, some inspirational, some interesting, some funny, some downright weird! Love it all!

So thanks to everyone who's had a wee look so far, Blippers and Facebook buds. And thanks for the comments and subscriptions too, it means a lot.

Feel kinda lucky to be part of it all.

Happy days :)


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