Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Impromptu "Lug lowering".

For the benefit of the iggorant ... When ones hair covers ones lugs, it is customary to have ones "lugs lowered", in order that they heave back into view from below the hair.

For lo these many moons Gaffer has been hinting(?) that I was getting a tad hirsute. Strange that, coz there's many a gooseberry with more hair on top.

Be that as it may: we, recently, decreed that we would try, weather/fettle permitting, to take off somewhere once every week, this week we hit Lancaster, not having been for Donkey's 'ears.

Wandering around the market we happened to pass a barbery, with a spare chair and a spare barber, of the shemale persuasion, lugs lowered in short order without the customary half hour wait AND without having to discus Man U, Arsenal, or anybody of that ilk.

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