Wild in the country

By colin

I wouldn't want to go up there on a ladder

This row of houses are, for me, some of the most interesting buildings in the county. I have no idea of the history, nor indeed could I guess at the period, although I might say 1930 - 1940? If I ever drive to work I park near them, and each time they still fascinate me.

We are all a product of our upbringing, and I can never look at these without wondering how the devil does anyone paint the top floor, and why is there so much woodwork up there to paint? The uppermost story has more paintwork than the rest put together. Imagine swaying on a ladder that high! On the other hand, on the other side of the road, are some modern terraces, three stories high, with no woodwork above the ground floor - no facias, with plastic windows, and extremely low maintenance. I know which I'd choose.

And finally, I shall not be getting an Easter egg for my dogs. I got a little excited over the last holiday, when the pet shop was selling bottled beer for dogs, and I blipped it. Today I resisted the urge to blip Easter eggs for dogs, made from carob. For those of us who have tasted carob, we know the dogs won't be missing much of a treat.

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