through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Let's just say... that I can't take stress that well.

I'm emotionally and physically tired.

There has been so many decisions I have to make in the time of one week and time's running way too fast for me. And the scary thing is, I feel like any decision I make, will affect at least one person, whether it be our friendship or hurting them.

Or hurting myself.
That statement alone sounds so selfish though...

Seems unfair sometimes this year; feels like God's been asking me to do a lot of things that's been challenging for me.
Feels like the list of people I can go to is decreasing as well.

But where would I be, honestly, if not for God? I think I'm able to sit here and still smile is because of Him.

He's my strength.


"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

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