Club 107

By club107

Four ponces

Another night of fun and croop with the number1son frankly potentially jeopardised the club107(partial) gathering for flashmob action. We somehow managed to make it, trying to explain the concept to young children the conversations were suitably surreal. Thankfully proceeding remained quite reasonable, I have never actually been to any such social events, kind of a reflection of the humble shy nature within club107.

Would it kick off as angry mobs started to hurl rocks at the edifice of evil, would paving slabs be slung against cars, would tear gas be fired into the crowd to disperse the rioting masses, the last time I took photos at a demonstration, all of the above occurred.

In fact, it was an altogether more sedate affair, flowers exchanged, no fisticuffs only handshakes.

I didn't really know anyone there, but there were quite a few who turned out, other shots taken by three fifths of club107 + number1son's Godmother can be seen here.

So the only major ponciness to be had was when we took a simultaneous shot of each other, I mean come on, who is the one handed poncemeister general?

Muchas gracias for the blip badges, the junior section are wearing them proudly.


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