
By IzzyK

Seagull Watch....

.....just spied this lot from my window, but between grabbing the camera and getting back to take the photo they were joined by one other......and he rather took away from the orderly & tidy line up that I had wanted to photograph! Humho a girl has far too much to be doing waiting for it to move on.

These guys are only hanging round because the Secondary School that borders our house allows their students to litter their playing fields on morning break and lunchtimes and these guys (along with some other dodgy looking creatures) enjoy feating on the the leftovers. The school is closed this week but these guys still fly in at the same time every day just on the off chance. They keep this up during all holidays even the 6 weeks of summer. How persistent or crazy is that!

But not only are they crazy, I think the school is too, allowing teenagers to show so little respect for their playing fields, our estate gets all the empty sweet and crips packets (to name only a few of the offending items) in to it. I am utterly fed up of seeing elederly neighbours having to pick these kids rubbish out of their gardens.

As a group of residents repeated requests have been made to the school to try and curb this awful and mindless littering. It has amounted to no solution, I even spoke to the headteacher and he looked me in the eye and told me 'There was nothing he could do!' This I ask is he a man or a mouse?! The local primary school kids do not leave litter on their playing fields and pick up after themselves, so why secondary school kids can not do the same! I don't know.

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