Play time!

Kaz went to work this morning so Spence and I had the day to ourselves. We went into the playroom and I set up his train track on the floor, then we got the rest of his toys out and made area for them all!

In today's blip, Spence's feet are on the race track, he is leaning on the demolition site, the dinosaur park is behind him, the King and Queen's castle is over near the window (with them on their horses!), the farm yard is in the middle, the zoo is on the bottom left and the Night Garden (complete with Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and one of the Tomliboo's sitting in a circle) is above the zoo!! I had so much fun helping Spence make it all! (Alright, it was mostly me! I am such a big kid!!)

We had Ethan (3), Laura (7) and Reggie (4) come over to play along with Ethan and Laura's Dad, Scott, and Reggie's Dad, Kevin. I had made cookies in the morning and also had a zucchini slice in the oven for lunch when they came over! The kids had a great time playing together with only the occasional disagreement over toys! Scott, Kevin and I had a good chance to chat!

Kaz was running late to come home before I had to go to work so we had to meet a petrol station on my way to work!! No calls so far, we have had tea and now I am watching The Biggest Loser! They are sailing from Sydney to Hobart!!

Hoping for a quiet night at work then Spence and I are going to Robyn's farm in the morning for a play and lunch!!

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