Who's Hungry? :)

By susanlpark

Did we just become best friends??

Dear Cauliflower,

I'll be the first to admit it. I never really gave you a chance. My mom kind of sheltered me from you because, well....you kind of didn't fit in with the rest of the veggies that took residence in the kitchen while I was growing up.

So when I was introduced to the Costco Veggie Platter - vegetable option of choice at every Church Potluck - I had my fun dipping the tomatoes and carrots and the occasional broccoli. But you? You didn't stand a chance. All the other veggies were so shiny and colorful and had fun textures like crunchy or juicy. To me, you were just Plain Jane tryin' to compete with broccoli.

But oh, how you've changed my mind! To discover that I could smother you in yummy cheese sauce with bits of pancetta - it's like I finally saw you at the party. And now we must be friends. :)

Please and thank you,

Your #1 Fan

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