Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

When all else fails......

When all else fails, look up. That was my motto for today's blip.

I actually had a darling photograph that I thought I would be using instead. My good friend came over today with her kids and I photographed our daughter's feet as they were sitting next to each other. It was very cute. But grainy. And at 515 blips in, I just can not post a grainy blip. I was at my max of 1600 ISO with my fstop opened all the way up but the quality was not what I was hoping for. I ran it through photoshop but if the photo is poor quality to begin with, photoshop is usually not going to have a magical solution.

As I was preparing dinner this evening, I wandered out back with my camera. Looking for a blip. Disappointed that my 'emotional' photograph didn't work out. And then I looked up. I could see the sun blaring at me through the branches of a very large tree. Aaah, a star burst photo. My blip mood could be turned around with a star burst photo. So I closed the fstop all the way and started clicking. Out of the ten photos I took, this one turned out to be my favorite. As for the garlic I was roasting on the stove top, that had to be tossed out and redone.

Backblipped yesterday's.

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