michigan man

By outdoorguy

Baby Goats

My baby sister and her husband have a 22 acre farm in a little village about 20-25 minutes away from me. She called me yesterday to tell me that they had some new babies(kids ?).

The mother seen here is named Pearl. She had triplets, two of which are seen here. The third little guy was dozing over in a corner. Too much company. The babies are 2 days old. It's amazing to me how good their giddy-up is. My new grandson is 168 days old, and all he can do is sit up by himself.

Besides the triplets, another goat named Hazel had twins that are now three days old. 5 baby goats in 2 days!!! The liitle girl of Hazel's is especially cute. Real long legs and a face that looks half goat-half wolverine. Beautiful markings.

Hazel is a little mean. She has 3 inch horns, and she likes to pick on the three babies that are'nt hers. She butts them with her head in a way that looks like more than "Hey, stay away from my babies." If I could talk goat, I would have chastised her.

Always fun to see new life, human or otherwise.

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