
By davechapman

Potential Home

We looked at this flat today. It's huge and just been refurbished. It's above a shop which doesn't particularly bother me. But OMG! Why do some estate agents completely waste your time taking you to properties that are miles off what you have told them you want? Anyway. It looks like for our budget we can have a lovely home with a garden and parking but miles from a tube station, or live near the tube and live somewhere a bit scruffier and take our chances parking on the street... I think I'll sleep on it. I can't spend too many more days battling with people who think 6 paving slabs constitutes a garden, a spare bed doesn't particularly need to be big enough for an actual bed, or that 4 miles is 'walking distance' to a tube station. Luckily we're only renting so if it doesn't work out, after 6 months we can find somewhere else.

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