
By Juli

A sharp intake of breath.

To be fair, although we waited in, this chap hadn't actually promised he'd be able to come out Monday to fix our boiler. He could definitely make yesterday but the trouble was, that gave me a bit of a dilemma. My husband was desperate for a hot shower so I had to make a choice. Husband...day out...husband...day out? You'll probably be aware that the 'day out' won - meanie that I am! Anyway, the repairman arrived this morning right on time and it's fixed now. Thankfully, he didn't have to breathe in too sharply (and neither did I). Just a standard service required in the end, as suspected.

He was very interested in blipping and let me take this photo. As I am in danger of winning the prize for the most boring shot of the day, I played around a bit with it in Photoshop.

I feel I should point out that we do have another, electric shower that heats the water up itself, so I could wash but it's pretty rubbish and my husband won't use it at all. The kids are festering a bit, though. :-D

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