Everything, everything :)

By Gesheridan

Sleepy day's

Today was sleepy..
And when I say sleepy I mean I'm really not sure how awake I was through most of it. It seemed to float by me in a blurr of anti accomplishment however I did manage to;
Finish an essay
Buy a shnuggly jumper from the hospice opp shop
Survive 4 hours at work teaching math to kiddies (one of said kiddies who was having her last lesson even gave me a big hug afterwards! high light of my day actually)

While I more or less sleep walked to work, the rest of Otago Uni Students were probably all studying in the sunshine as seen in this photo.
Again I can not express to you how much I LOVE AUTUMN!

Now time for Shortie St on demand :) Nunight xo

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