Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Getting Shipshape

On my way back from a meeting in Bellingham this afternoon I stopped at the library in Fairhaven to pick up C's library books. There were eight books and one video -- Donna, the librarian, said they were thinking about reserving a shelf for C.

I couldn't resist going down to the Cruise Terminal to see the Schooner Zodiac with her winter cover removed and new masts stepped. On Saturday her homeport is going to be officially changed to Bellingham and there's a big boating celebration planned. You can read all about it here.

A dozen Fairhaven businesses are giving free raffle tickets for two-hour cruises on some of the visiting vessels. I visited most of the businesses that were open today, and I'll get to the others before the weekend. If I don't win a free trip I'll buy a ticket. It should be a great day for blipping.

You can see a few more of today's Zodiac photos on Flickr.

Just watching the crew putting the new name on the stern made my back and neck hurt.

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