
By FauxPunk

Jail Break

Decent day at work today - got things done :-D

Straight to hospital after, to see Mathew. Took some pics, but none of them really worked how I wanted. Busted him out to go shopping - not exactly the most exciting day-trip, but it means I was able to do the practical thing of getting food to eat while he's having his meals cooked for him, and we also got to spend time together.

Dropped him off at hospital again, then went home to drop off shopping, and pick up some of his stuff that I'd accidentally taken home with dirty laundry yesterday. When I got back I played about with camera some more. For some unknown reason, he decided to take off the tubigrip that usually keeps his IV line dongle thingy in place, and stick it round his head instead. I thought he looked like an 80's tennis player, so asked him to look aggressive... this is his effort. I processed it to try and make it look of an older era, as today's Tennis pro's are definately less-grain, more colour, more gloss!

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