
By andyclicks


An eventful day today, sort've

started off fairly well, first day of the CYO course today, which is normally lovely as we have sectionals.

Then had a wee bit of an incident with a train guard who took his job way to seriously. I mean he works with public transport not the police force?

Anyways sectionals went great, a couple of eye wateringly funny moments, no names nor incidents need mentioning, and the piece is coming on well.

We're doing bernsteins 'Symphonic Dances from West Side Story' if you have a spare moment listen to it, it's amazing.

But yeah day got progressively worse, not bad as such but nothing to be overly pleased with. Didn't really take any photos, and as like many other uninspiring blips, take pictures of the things closest to you and easiest to hand, my eye.

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