After my wee heart scare last Wednesday, STORY HERE... I was back at my doctors today.

(I was basically told to make an appointment to see my doc, as an ECG I had on the Wednesday wasn't quite right)


Doc asks why I was there & I replied I was told to make an appointment to review the ECG.

Doc said well sorry to waste your journey but it was ok.

So I replied then why was the Doc on Wed asking if I'd had an episode with my heart before, or did i have any pain there and then?

My Doc replied because the computer read out says that you had a heart attack at some point.

(Now you can imagine my confusion?)

So I said then why does it say I had a heart attack if I didn't?

Doc replied, cos you haven't, we know you haven't.

So back to me asking why the other Doc was asking about pain...

My Doc replied, because he only read the computer read-out and didn't look at the actual ECG

(Now am I just, (excuse the language), f*ck*n thick? Or is the conclusion that I had a heart attack at some point from the computer based on the ECG I had, (that had a reading with a nice BIG ark on it), from that same computer? How can it say had a heart attack if I haven't?)

Left the Doc's rather stressed out to say the least grrrrrrrrrr

Got home and looked up mini heart attack (as you do when you think you could pop your clogs at any time), along with environmentally friendly coffins for a laugh with my daughter (it's ok she's 21)... and found out that heart attacks show different with men and woman.

A woman probably wont have pain in left arm, chest & chin, but would probably be sweating, fatigued, light headed and dizzy...


Back at the hypertension clinic tomorrow afternoon and I will be demanding to be referred to a cardiologist!

Oh and anyone out there with the know-how on this subject, PLEASE leave me some feed-back.

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