Lizzids gizzids

Today we went on a lizard hunt. I found one straight away. This isn't it, I found lots more and this one let me get close. If only I had a zoom lens! You would have been able to look through his head. I used to look through my lizards heads all the time, it is one of many featured that make them very cool. I decided I had to blip a lizard shot, not because it was good, but because they move very fast so any form of capture is a major achievement for me.

hidden lizzid
vertical lizzid
jim with a lizard so you can see how small and wild they are.

Mr Nut loved them too, though he called them 'green dens'? He ran around shouting 'green dens.. where are you?' And then 'There he is!! STOP! cuddles!!' but none of the lizards would be his friends.

then we went to a park with a slide and Mr nut slid and slid, then we went for another walk to durlston country park and Mr nut started falling over he was so tired from all the activities, and was happy to see his push chair. Then we went to the pub where there were chickens which he chased and chased hoping they would be his friends like the lizards wouldn't, but they went to bed because chickens are munches too. So he said 'byebye chickens' 'Byebye orange juice' (??) 'byebye moon' and we went home.

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