
By craftynini

'Scorch My Feet With A Hot Brick'

The time has come to say goodbye to my one true love (that's not including Opendoor, Pip, Joe, Harry, Maissie, crisps, tea. etc, etc) my hot water bottle.....

I have held on as long as possible this year, but feel I really must go to bed without it as I think Im giving myself chillblains.

My love of the hot water bottle began as a child when a burning hot 'piggy bottle' would have be placed in my bed at night to keep me warm. We dug them up in our garden in Arran when we moved there.

When supplieds of Piggie bottles dwindled, my father opted for using a scalding hot, heavy stone (or brick), wrapped in a towel, that would have been placed in the fire for the entire evening until it heated up.

Can I just say one thing? 'HEALTH AND SAFETY' dad.

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