The last show of the season - and its the big one ... this show was postponed following the 22 Feb earthquake, and was held this weekend. Two days of showing, Limes, Missy and Hamish were showing today - Limes was being shown by his regular handler, and Missy by Hamish. Got ribbons in every class we went it, but the judging was quite different.

It was a two judge show, so each class is judged twice, and the results can often differ, as each judge see's something different to the other - case in point being Missy who got third in her halter class under one judge, and nothing under the second judge.

The best result of the day - Lime's got a first and a second in his roadster class (which is the harness racing class), and then Champion and Reserve Champion - nice big fat ribbons. He also won his fault and out jumping class - who said stallions aren't versatile! LOL

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