Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

My Gardening Partner

So far only this toad has shown up, although they are good at hiding in the dome. Whenever I water he hops to the dry spots. Took him from my pond with a few of his close friends and relocated them a couple years into the dome. Once in a while at night I like to go out and sit with a lantern, they are fierce about eating bugs.

Can't go far from home, Bela is still stuffy in the nose. We start homeschool tomorrow after a week off, neither of us is very exciting. DISH gets shut off tomorrow too. Checking into Hulu and going to buy some more board games and make weekly trips to the library. With gardening season upon me there won't be much time for TV anyways and netflix fills the movie needs.

Due to my BF's Lung transplant he has had to stay away since Bela's sick. By the time his day off hits Tuesday night, she should be better and normal life will resume.

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