
Apparently soft play is hard work so you need to fall asleep in the car. Wish I could've slept in the car on the way home too!

Aidan and I met my friend G and her little girl S at soft play this morning. G is expecting another baby now too, very exciting. So far I seem to be the only one of my friends to be silly enough to have such a short age gap though. Oh well. G is keeping well and managed to chase around after the kids. Although Aidan did stick to me like glue for the first half an hour. I think he's suspicious of all the changes at home at the moment. Hopefully we can try and keep things relatively settled so as not to cause him unnecessary upset. I'm guessing the baby will probably be a pretty huge 'upset' for him though!!

In the afternoon I had the midwife. There was a student there too. I'm not a huge fan of students but this girl was very nice. Baby seems to be behaving itself still and is in the correct position. Just a waiting game now.

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