Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

Another beautiful day in the sun

Just cannot get over this weather!

We had a lazy morning this morning and then went for lunch at a lovely pub near us which has a great garden and sat there with some friends for a couple of hours before the children were dropped back to me at 3.20pm. After that we have pottered in the garden - Kirsten and I planted lots of seeds for peppers, chillis, three different types of tomatoes, thyme, basil, coriander, lettuce and pumpkins whilst Ian fixed Bears bike!

We decided that it would be almost criminal not to have a barbecue and after taking off the cover we discovered this chap! No idea who he is and to be honest I did not want to get any closer as I have a not insignificant fear of them however he was handsome!

P.S - Backblipped a couple of days including a Red Kite!

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