As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Fame Is Now Injectable


I didn't do anything all morning. I got up at 6:00 and sat around all morning. Then, I made plans with Elaina and Lauren. We didn't really know where we were going to go, but we were going to go there. We ended up driving to Dunkin' Donuts and then waiting an hour in the car for Lauren's friend Tessa. She was getting her ear treated(?). After driving by the colosseum and the cops vs. firefighter tailgating party, we made our way to the beach. We (Lauren and Tessa) had to pay $8.00 to get in but I think it was worth it. Me and Elaina put our feet in the water and it wasn't that bad. Then we all walked along the splintery boardwalk to the playground. That was a lot of fun! Then we walked back and Lauren drove me home because I had to go to church. Afterwards, Lauren and Elaina picked up me and Kate and we got pizza. It was a lovely meal with some interesting conversation. Then we went back to Lauren and Elaina's house and had red laces. Yummmmmmmm. We took a trip to Stop and Shop to get some marshmallows and Coke. When we got back, we jumped on the trampoline for a while and took some fun pictures on Lauren's camera. Then we made a fire and roasted marshmallows. I spilled a cup of water (our fire bucket) everywhere and apparently, Elaina throws up a lot.... I had an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to this.

This is the inside of Lauren's car. We spent a lot of time inside it today.

Word of the Day: Tenterhooks - In a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety

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