Decisions, decisions
I had a text from Toots last night to say that she was taking a stall at East Fortune market so we wandered along to see her, pick up the pots that Donald had fired for Eve and do a bit of al fresco browsing and haggling. All in beautiful sunshine too!
Joe couldn't decide which second hand or pirated Playstation game he fancied, a challenge which was made tougher by me ruling out all the 16 and 18 war games he really liked the look of. Fortunately his big sister was able to talk him into a skate boarding game. Even on that he gets X Rays of all the broken bones from his attempts at stunt jumps.
Eve is delighted with the pots. They now have pride of place in the kitchen.
Empty Tummy's all round now (see what I did there, another seamless link with today's photo) and so I'm off to rustle up spicy sausage pasta.
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