
By everydayness

lady in pink with dog

First of all a BIG THANK YOU for all your kind comments on my 100th blip!! :)

After work I drove to visit my mom for the weekend. Besides having to sort out a couple of things, I also went as she had another one of her events in the evening. A little private dixieland concert in the huge attic of the house she lives in. She had invited some friends and we all enjoyed a great evening with great music, wine, beer and pretzels. I must say that it isn't so bad having a musician in the family ;) It was my mom's partner and his band who played for us.

I took quite a few photos of the band and them playing but I just loved this capture of one of the guest and her little dachshound. This little dog was so sweet, running around like mad, wagging her tail so much that not only the whole dog shook with it but that I was also afraid she might suffer from sore muscles today ;)

Sunday today is spent with a little tidying up, a 3,5 hrs drive back to Frankfurt and some more work at home later on tonight.

I hope you're all enjoying a lovely weekend!!

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