
By Oz

Daley Thompson

Today I saw Daley Thompson!!!! I had to resist the immediate urge to waggle my joystick. He was on good form. big smile, even bigger 'tache.

The ITU Triathlon World Championships hit Sydney today. It was a great event, unfortunately it rained for most of the men's race which led to a few crashes. Also it was slippery underfoot resulting in GB's Alistair Brownlee falling on the last lap. His brother Jonathan came in second though so plenty to cheer.

One good reason for starting to blip was to learn a bit more about my camera. Today I learned that if I don't recharge the battery after a long day of use, it won't help me out the next day. Oops. Was left to use baby brother camera but managed OK.

Off to Perth for the week tomorrow.
Packing begins...

ps good dinner last night, chicken fajita pizza.

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